Donations Are Tax Deductible
The Danvers Community Council is a 501c (3) charitable organization, Federal ID # 04-6357791.
All donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law
To donate by credit card
For your security, we use PayPal to process credit card transactions. To donate, just click on the DONATE button.

You DO NOT need a PayPal account to make a donation. At the PayPal site, you will be able to designate your donation or send us a note when you select "add special instructions to the seller."
Click on yellow "DONATE" button (above) to connect to Donate to Danvers Community Council, Inc. page
Type in the dollar amount you wish to donate.
Choose: Have a PayPal Account? (blue LOG IN button) OR Donate with a Debit or Credit Card
Click "add special instructions to the seller" - this opens up a text box, where you may type in any message such as: "Food Pantry" or "In Memory of..."
Fill in your credit card and other requested information. PayPal site is secure and encrypted.
Click the blue "Donate Now" button
Thank you.
Danvers Community Council
P.O. Box 2076
Danvers, MA 01923
To donate by mail: